Courses We Offer

Our school's course for grades 9-12 is available at $50 per Teacher and $10 per student.
What's included:
CSS curriculum, tailored for the 9-12 grade level.
Both a digital and a print participant guide.
Year-long access to the Third Option training curriculum, video content and support from our team.

Our entire schools course is available at $50 per Teacher, $10 per high-school student and $5 per K-8 student.
What's included:
CSS curriculum, tailored for each grade level.
Both a digital and a print participant guide.
Year-long access to the Third Option training curriculum, video content and support from our team.

For pricing information for an entire church congregation, email us at
What's included:
6 eCourse Sessions with Miles Mcpherson.
Both a digital and a print participant guide.
Year-long access to the Third Option training curriculum, video content and support from our team.